Jun 21, 2009

Father's Day Reflections

Each "Hallmark" Holiday creates opportunities to celebrate those we cherish as well as those we miss. These days can also bring to the surface emotions and the opportunity to heal. For me, Father's Day in particular is difficult. I was a child of divorce by age 2, and my father was absent for over 20 years. Even after re-connecting as an adult, I find I have to purposefully remember him for holidays. And, the standard messages of store-bought cards rarely "fit", as they often reflect on memories we do not share, or meaning that does not exist in our relationship no matter the passage of time. So each time I shop for a card for him, I grieve a little for that lost opportunity.

My Grandfather was my father-figure, and then I gained a step-father. Both of these unique men shaped the adult woman I have become. Each contributed uniquely to my self-esteem, confidence, and philosophy of service. My Grandfather died when I was 27, and my Stepfather two years ago. His absence is still palpable, especially on days like this.

Then, as I scan the rack, I see Grandfather cards I no longer buy. I remember buying husband cards and "to Dad from Daughter" cards for my husband. Even though this is the 6th year since his death, I find myself scanning those sections of the display wistfully.

As relationships and people come and go in our lives, the process of shopping for a card to acknowledge those that mean so much to me has become a point of forced acknowledgement of those changes. I miss the simple pleasure of picking out a card for someone I loved; and instead, take a moment to remember.

When I opened the paper this morning, the headline was "Dear Dad". My Mom, my daughter and I will go to church today, and the sermon will most likely address fathers. And all three of us will feel slightly out of place, and out of sync, missing ours. And remembering.

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